The Arsenal Files 4
The Arsenal Files 4 (Arsenal Computer).ISO
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681 lines
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ps: woa, a rendered askee!
- TraxWeekly Issue #8 -
05/04/95 Release
-[ Introduction ]----------------------------------------------------------
Another week has passed. This issue is special for one reason, it's the
first that I've done in a hurry :). I had to read a dumb book. And for
those interested, it was *bip* boring! Quarex has done his first article
for us, and will get a very big surprise by reading this issue. Quarex has
done also the kosmic column, which proves to me that Maelcum is very lazy
:). Werd to him! PeriSoft has done his first bit for us. And I'll warn you
that PeriSoft was not certain to give it to me. But, please read with an
open mind as fellow composers and not adversairies.
Also, some of the TraxWeekly staff wanted an official member listing.
Here goes, these are the people that I consider part of the team. Popcorn,
Psibelius, Epeius, Zer0 (not sure), Dragunov and White Wizard maybe some
others, but they haven't given me word or anything. And good news, Neurosis
has given me sign of life. But, he doesn't seem to interested to continue
with us. It he reads this, please could you tell me.
TraxWeekly is on the World Wide Web! Officially, the official sites are:
Partek is in Finland and Kosmic is in the US. So choose the URL nearest
you. This page is maintained by Dragunov.
TraxWeekly has an internet address to contact Popcorn or myself. It is:
t-weekly@direktor.voima.jkl.fi ..
Subscriptions are available now, and can be done in this matter:
If you want to subscribe to TraxWeekly mail to:
And put in the message body:
subscribe trax-weekly [your real name]
If you want to unsubscribe to the list mail to the same address and
unsubscribe trax-weekly
TraxWeekly is also available on ftp.cdrom.com/demos/incoming/news/ or
Hey! get readin'... pop out :)
- Populus
-[ Contents ]--------------------------------------------------------------
1. Why Well-Composed Music Isn't Everything - Quarex
2. Samples And Rippers, Rippers And Samples - PeriSoft
3. The Tracker Myth - Psibelius
4. Interviews (Blaze Runner)
5. Epinicion Column
6. Kosmic Column
7. Advertisements
8. Distribution Sites
-[ 1. Why Well-Composed Music Isn't Everything ]---------------------------
-[ or: Where Oh Where Has My Chorus Gone ]---------------------------
by Quarex
When you ask the average person what music is, they could respond in a
huge variety of ways. The most common definition would probably be something
that involves instruments, and is pleasing to the ear. This is also probably
the most accurate definition.
My question, then, is this. Why is it that what seems like a majority
of demoscene people think mods need to be well-composed to be of quality? If
the song sounds good, then does it matter how well written it is?
The easiest way to fully explain my article is by citing examples. For
this purpose, I will use Beethoven. I have absolutely no doubt in my mind
that Beethoven should be recognized as having superb theory and structural
knowledge, and I do not think many people could contest this fact. However,
there will always be people who do not enjoy Beethoven, just as there will
always be people who *do* enjoy total noise artists such as Merzbow or CCCC.
So then, how is it that certain unnamed individuals have the incredible
gall to refer to *anything* as not being 'music'? For any song ever written,
you can undoubtedly find someone who will like it, and most likely find some-
one who thoroughly enjoys it. So how is _anything_ not 'music'? I don't see
it as being possible, yet some do, and that is truly saddening.
Most persons reading this article (who know of my history :>) will most
likely just write this off as bitterness over my own lack of popularity among
the more famous 'scene' people. However, this issue has truly concerned me
since long before I began composing music of any sort, let alone using the PC
to do my dirty work.
Having heard the phrase "Don't criticize unless you can do something
better" over and over again in discussion, I can honestly say that it is the
most useless advice ever given. Of course someone who cannot stand rap music
would assume anything they wrote would be superior, wheras someone who hates
heavy metal would think the same thing.
If you really think about what I've said, then the points should never
contradict each other. To each his own, when it comes to styles of music
that one likes, which would lead to reduced taunts such as referring to one's
music as "static" or "noise". You may think this way, and you may also be
the only one who does. You could also be the only person who does like the
music. But either way, it is entirely your pterogative whether or not the
song sounds good.
However, since everyone's opinions differ, it is also not acceptable
to claim that anyone's music is "noise" or "static". Say it does not sound
good if you want, but there is no such thing as a song which is not music.
That's what I have to say. You, most likely, don't agree. Now then, if you
would like to argue this point further, mail:
I don't get much fan mail, so I respond to everything :)
-[ 2. Samples And Rippers, Rippers And Samples ]---------------------------
Well, he asked for it, I mean, populus should've KNOWN better than to ask
me to write an article.. Here's a guy who's going through a rather.. um..
traumatic.. couple of weeks, who has just been railed against by the system,
and who is REALLY READY TO GO on any number of issues on which he is.. well..
Here goes.
We all heard basehead's nice song for NAID.. yeah.. well, i sat back and
listened to it.. whoah.. nice flute. That musta been tough to track. Hey..
nice trumpet. Nice organ...
Then my suspicions got up, and I peaked into the samples.
WHOOPS. Looks like all those flutes, trumpets and organs are ripped!
RIPPED!?!?!? You say... but YES, mais OUI, those nice flutes are a couple of
samples ripped off a CD (I looked carefully to make sure he didn't get someone
to play the stuff or play it himself) RECORDINGs of melodies. In my opinion,
taking a long sample's ok when it's background, marginal when you, say, play
a 30 second guitar riff and play the samps in order in your song (Now, where've
we seen that.. Hmm... lizard.. lizard.. King? Po.. poRI!?) but it is VERY
disturbing indeed when the MAIN MELODY LINE, the only melody present at the
time in the track, are just samples played one after the other and which were
WRITTEN by someone else. I played this song for my parents -- "It's a nice
song," they said, "but it's not original!" They didn't know about the samples
at that time either.. Letting somebody else write your melodies for you, and
just playing them back in order (esp. with the organs!) is a very bad show in
my humble opinion; the next worst thing to ripping the whole song. We don't go
to music compos to hear recordings. We go to hear original music-- if you want
to use a technique, if it can be given that much respect, like this, at least
use it in a context where the purpose of the song is not to gauge the author's
[ now I'm listenting to Catharsis, so I'm conciliatory :> ]
I don't mean to pick on base only for this; others do it too, but I've
never seen whole melodies ripped from CDs before and just played back -- so
this song happened to catalyse my reaction.
If base did write those melodies, it's ok.. still not tracking, but better
than ripping. However, if he did indeed take those samples, which comprised the
melody of perhaps 35% of his song, from CDs, I'm very disappointed. It's not
the way to compose. It's not composition. It's ripping of the worst possible
-[ 3. The Tracker Myth ]---------------------------------------------------
article by psibelius [acid.epinicion.lotsagroups]
Before I begin, I'd like to tell everyone I'm not mentioning any names
in particular here in this article, nor am I bashing/flaming anyone. I'm
just using the inspiration I got from a little argument on #trax to create
this article...=) Also, I'm not bashing FT2, just using it because it was
the topic of the argument and the easiest subject example I have right now.
I don't know about you, but I'm gonna puke if I hear one more person
enter #trax and start blabbing about "Oh, FT2! It's the superior tracker!
It's a new revolution in tracking! How can you idiots make anything good
without it?!" Then again, there's always, "You're still using THAT old
thing (referring to mmedit or st3)??? How could you possibly create stuff
without envelopes?" Everyone, I'd like to present you my biased and
extremely blunt opinion:
IT DOESN'T MATTER. I don't care if you track with FT2 hooked up to a
$4.6 billion dollar sound equipment studio and a 786dx99999, or on the
original ModEdit on a 286-12 and a standard SB. Regardless of what kind
of equipment or tracker you can afford/prefer, it won't make a difference
on the quality of your music. Granted, samples and the like DO make a
difference, by they are easy enough to sample yourself or take from the
hundreds of thousands of mods already out there. The actual song itself,
with its melody and its support, is what makes a mod enjoyable to listen
to. Nothing else.
Have you downloaded a mod simply for the fact that it was an S3M or an
XM because it was 'cool?' Have you simply shunned others because they want
to write their songs in formats such as mtm, dmf, and others? How can
anyone make a judgement on a song just because of the format? It is just
so much crap when I see someone ranting and raving about all the "cool"
features and effects of fancy editors like FT2 or something. What's the
use of having 99999999999 effects and volume/panning envelopes when the
song sounds like sh--?! Just forget it. There are people in the music
scene that can do more in ModEdit than another person can do in FT2.
Get a clue, write some music with a tracker. Not the other way around.
-psibelius [tw]
-[ 4. Interviews ]---------------------------------------------------------
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-[ Interview with Blaze Runner ]- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Wow, this is great news, I got a hold of Blaze Runner. He accepted this
last minute interview with me. I'm pleased with this one because he talks
about some subjects that don't get around much. One that I really noted
was about Copywrite Laws and how can they have anything to do with us.
And also going commercial. Some of us underestimate ourselves. Well enjoy
this as much than I did doing it live. And BTW, we didn't talk at all
french, for those who worried about that :).
Interviewer . Populus [TW/Union/Epinicion] . populus@llc.org
Interviewee . Blaze Runner [PURE] . blaze.runner@pcb.mpoli.fi
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Populus - Please tell our readers your real name, occupation, groups, size,
voice frequency.
Blaze - well, my real name is Christian Desnoyers. My ocupation? mainly
music and everything that allows me to use a computer. But for my
studies, I'm in last year of engenering in Biotechnology. I'm one
of the music coordinators of PURE, the other is Blue Adonis.
Size:1.75, weight: depends :) I'm on diet right now :( but I'm not
that fat, only 79kg:) Voice frequency: I really dunno that :)
Populus - Okay, now what's been your main motivation to join this big familly
of computer composers?
Blaze - well, I started some years ago, with my amiga 500, I had nearly
all the tracker programs for it. I always like music, I even
learned the acordion... but I'm not good enough at handling
instrument! the computer opened the way of all my music fantasies,
I didn't have to play the keyboard really nicely! I started to
track even before I got my amiga. I started with my C64 (more than
10 years of computing history u see:) )
Populus - Accordion? What's the deal?
Blaze - accordion? I wanted to learn an instrument and I got the oportunity
to learn this one. but the teacher was really crap,but it taught
me a bit of theory that I use every day now :)
Populus - Cuz, I didn't get the connection of the kind of music that you do,
and the accordion? I am right?
Blaze - yes, there is _NO_ connection at all. but U have to start with
crap things before U can start your own. I learned to play waltz :)
Populus - I want to see a waltz tune in the next PURE pack. Promise?
Blaze - no, I can't promise that:) but I'll try..., U know, waltz is not a
4 time thing but a 3 time thing, it's harder to implement in a
tracker, but it's not impossible!
Populus - Maybe the PURE reputation will fall :)
Blaze - hehe.. not a reputation problem. I'm always interested in weird
style, so why not a techno waltz... an idea to retain!
Populus - Next, what's your inspiration? Does techno music have a more
commercial appeal in Belgium?
Blaze - Belgium is a special country for techno... there is a mix of
tendencies! and loads of clubs for such a little country!
Blaze - underground techno is really well represented here, as well as
trance,happy house.....
Blaze - personnaly, I love the underground style, but I'm not only
listening to techno. I listen to all the styles of techno, to
kraftwerk, to other older electro-pop groups and also to hard-rock,
U2,Cure,Depeche Mode....
Populus - Once you talked to me about the copywrite protection for us fellow
composers. Could you elaboration why should we protect ourselves?
Blaze - about the copyright problems: if U do music on PC, mainly techno,
U could get ripped by unscrupulous people!
Populus - How? Elaborate.
BLR - if they like your tunes, they can rip them and produce them
commercially. if U're protected (for Belgium, U've got to register
your tunes to SABAM) and U hear that someone ripped your tune. U
can warn the SABAM and then, all the right coming from the selling
of your tune goes on your bank account :)
Blaze - for example, I've already hear tunes comming from Amiga demos in
some films.
Blaze - and last week, Blue Adonis heard one of his tune played in a
Populus - Why did you reach these extreme mesures? Did someone rip one?
Blaze - no, noone ripped me yet (or I don't know it) but I'm working on a
commercial project right now and I have to be registered!
Blaze - if I don't do so, I won't get any money for the playback of my
tunes on TV,radio or in Clubs.
Populus - Explain to me your musical hardware set-up that you use to produce
your tunes.
Blaze - I use a soundblaster AWE32 :))) I know a lot of people will laugh
when they'll see that!
Blaze - there is two megs of memory on it! I use either fastracker II with
16 bit samples or midi which AWE32 is really good at!
Populus - Why do you have one? Is it supported in ANY tracker?
Blaze - AWE32 is supported by a lot of trackers, but I know the the GUS
users laugh at the AWE, it's just a fact!
Blaze - they can laugh... but they also have to hear the AWE32 used by
someone who knows it! like me...
Populus - Does FT2 really support the AWE with it's own mixing like the GUS?
Or do you configure it with SB16?
Blaze - in Midi for example, U can control the filters like on an analog
synth, it's just amazing!
Blaze - I configure FT2 like a SB16, but I play my tunes with AWEplay,
which use the AWE32 natively and allows me to add reverb and
Blaze - and I can even put the AWE32 directly on a DAT because there is a
DIGITAL out on the card! so NO noise and NO distortion! everything
get's out nicely in 44.1khz 16 bits.
Populus - Creative Labs will love this free publicity :)
Blaze - about publicity, the latest version of X-TRACKER by D-LUSION
feature the AWE32 in native mode!
Populus - What other sound equipement do you have?
Blaze - I have a little yamaha keyboard that I use to control the sounds
in MIDI, and I'm going to buy a deep bas nine,it's a TB-303 clone
that feature MIDI!
Blaze - really cool sound.
Populus - What steps do you take to produce a completly new song?
Blaze - there are two different techniques I use:
Blaze - 1- i sample some sounds and I play a bit with them and the a
melody comes to my mind...
Blaze - 2- I've got a melody in my mind and I transfer it in a tracker.
Blaze - after that, I play with other instruments, I had another melody, a
drum part, other things that fit with it!
Blaze - when I've got one patern or two (depending of the size of the
melody) I begin to make varitations.
Blaze - then when I've got several paterns, I build the whole song
Populus - Where do you get your samples?
Blaze - I get my samples mainly from CD, but sometimes, when I need a
voice, I use mine :)
Blaze - I sometime use my AWE32 to create samples too. I make a sound with
the AWE32 synth and then I sample it!
Populus - Tell me how TRAXX (PURE ancestor) come about.
Blaze - I wasn't there at the start. I entered traxx when I got my modem
in last jully. before that, I composed tune only for myself :(
Populus - So you really don't know ?
Blaze - traxx started in january 94 I think. it was created by Blue Adonis
and The Undertaker.
Blaze - The Undertaker is an amiga user. and Blue was in PHUN, a well know
group for PPE (pcboard) and other related modem scene stuff.
Populus - Tell the readers one interesting fact about yourself that would put
you apart from all the others musicmen in the scene.
Blaze - well, I'm not a nerd and I've got a beautifull girlfriend since 7
years :)
Blaze - and something more than one people told me: there is a really
good 'ambience' in my tunes and my melodies remain in the head
easily when U hear them!
Populus - 7 years? How old are you?
Blaze - I'm 25 (pretty old isn't it?)
Populus - Yeah, get out of here! :)
Blaze - why????? :)
Populus - Well, I truly don't mind, because I hope the scene will live
forever and you will still say hello after you've moved to better
Blaze - I don't intend to leave the scene :) in fact, it's a really good
way to promote my work.
Populus - How seriously do you care to take your musical experience from
tracking to the commercial ear of the ordinary listener? - pop
(wow, i'll sign this one.. it's too cute :)
Blaze - and I'll make tunes that would be useless for CD but really good
for the scene guys :)
Populus - Yeah tunes created by the o'mighty BEER. :)
Blaze - I'm gonna release my tunes on vinyl via a little new label. I will
also make them available on internet with all the references so if
someone likes it and want to produce it abroad or buy it, he knows
where to find me :)
Blaze - it's important for me that they wil be released on vinyl 'coz vinyl
means it will be played by good DJ's (who of course prefer to play
vinyl rather than CD)
Populus - Did you already take steps to achieve this?
Blaze - yes, I've made tape with works from Blue Adonis and me and gave
them to the producer who liked them very much.
Populus - What's next then?
Blaze - now he has to decide which tunes to release and what to change on
them... then they will be released
Blaze - I've got friends who already made that: Piet and Phil who made tunes
for PURE too.
Populus - What name will you use?
Blaze - I still dunno the name, perhaps Blue Blaze or it will be nameless.
Populus - Nameless? Can you do that?
Blaze - yes of course we can do that, ther will be only the name of the
label. There are even vinyls without any inscriptions on them!
Populus - What do you want to say to all the readers?
Blaze - I'd like to say 'continue the good work, the PC music scene is
growing every day. there are some good things and some bad things.
but I think that the overall level raised a lot!' And i'd like to
say a big hello to all the people I met.
Populus - Good and bad? Can you elaborate?
Blaze - well, there is a lot of releases and a lot of new groups coming out
these days.
Blaze - and with such a lot of releases, it's evident that there is a lot
of crap in it :)
Populus - As in everything.
Populus - I see, well thanks a bundle for this last minute interview :)
Blaze - no problems, u're welcome
Populus - bye!
Blaze - and don't forget 'love,peace and tolerance'
-[ 5. Epinicion Column]------------------------------------------------------
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We have a slew of new songs this week! GraveDigger presents his first
song for Epinicion, entitled 'Orbit: Vivarin 2' which he wrote at NAID.
Bert Vander Velden whipped up a remix of U96 'Club Bizzare' for us, his
first release for Epinicion as well. Mute presents a rave style song
entitled 'Dirt Cake.'
Newest members this week include GraveDigger, Ellegen, and Fallen Angel.
We welcome you to the ever growing Epinicion family. Latest member count
gives us a nice, solid, SEVENTY members. =)
Epinicion releases as well as new work from numerous other groups can be
found at ftp.cdrom.com /.21/demos/incoming/music. Our musicdisk can be
found at kosmic.wit.com /kosmic/epinicion. But as always, it is easiest
to DCC this week's new files from us on IRC. Be sure to check out our
new (and very underdeveloped =) world wide web homepage! Using Netscape
or some other equivalent, http://www.csusm.edu/public/gwie/epi.html.
Epinicion will be releasing "Otherness" musicdisk at the end of May.
Those of you members who have the time, please submit a song. Guests are
always welcome too. Email via PINE attachment or UUENCODE to the address
below, or DCC it me while in IRC.
To those thinking of joining Epinicion, or wanting to know more about our
philosophy: You need not be great to join Epinicion. You need only to
aspire to be great. I quote from "Synners," a novel by P. Cadigan: "We do
what we do and we do it because we can." Damn straight. If you are a
dedicated person striving to become better, then email us. And join us.
We're here for YOU, the musician. So if you think you have what it takes,
don't bother waiting. Join Epinicion NOW.
Psibelius (Gene Wie)
Epinicion Founder
-[ 6. Kosmic Column ]--------------------------------------------------------
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: : +
... .... ...... a constellation of stars!
by Quarex
Recently, it has come to my attention that Kosmic is not as diverse as
they claim to be. Sure, their musicians encompass just about every style
imaginable, with the big exception of one. Funny composers. Now, I'm not
talking about people who are wacky in what they say, but people who truly
capture the essence of humour in their music.
The trait of comedy is one which should be relished for one's whole
life, if one is blessed with it. Humourous music serves to keep teeming
masses of Weird Al fans entertained with gobs of fun that keep morale up.
However, in the MOD scene, there are too few musicians who understand how good
a lighthearted song can make you feel.
Have you ever heard STEVSPAM.MOD? PORK.MOD? Maybe even NOSE.MOD?
These are songs which were made with music somewhat in mind, but kept upbeat
and happy in nature to appeal to a wider audience. For that reason, they are
some of the most listenable mods I can think of.
Kosmic, however, does not have any real comedic talent per se. It is
for this reason that I recommend the addition of myself to Kosmic immediately
contact Quarex at:
Note from Maelcum: Quarex is now the newest member of Kosmic =-)
-[ 7. Advertisements ]-----------------------------------------------------
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-[ 8. Distribution Sites ]-------------------------------------------------
-BBS System- -Country- -Number- -Sysop-
| Beats per Minute | Canada | (418)660-8137 | Populus |
| MultiMedia GS | Singapore | (65)252-1220 | Lee Teck Chee |
| Velvet Demosite | Belgium | +32-3-3851594 | Sleeping Dog |
| CybeR WeB | Italy | +39-0331-310641 | Mattia Scotti |
| The Portal | Sweden | +46-26-196363 | Coyote & Cyanid |
If you wish to become a distro site for TraxWeekly, please mail your
information to Popcorn at campbell@fox.nstn.ca (and not to populus@llc.org)
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